Please make sure you have properly read the categories and criteria before entering. The criteria is different for each category and you are able to enter multiple categories. You can also enter more than once in each category, provided they are different entries.

Please note to enter BSIF Awards categories please visit:

FINAL DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: Friday 14 February 2025 at 11:59PM

This award has been developed to recognise employers who have proactively demonstrated a consistent and comprehensive approach to the management of their work-related road risk, and in doing so have delivered significant business benefits through the reduction in vehicle related incidents and collisions involving staff who drive for work. They will have shown exceptional initiative, boldness, as well as exemplary management practices.

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This category is designed to recognise a manufacturing premises, which can demonstrate either an exemplary health and safety record or how it has taken significant steps to improve health and safety standards. Entrants must explain how they have ensured the health, safety and wellbeing of anyone who had access to or worked at the premises.

The entry must relate to a premises or project and not reflect on health, safety or wellbeing earlier than 1 January 2023.

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This category is designed to recognise a health and safety manager who made a significant contribution to the implementation or enhancement of health, safety or wellbeing standards within either their own or a client organisation.

The individual must also have a role wherein at least 50% of all tasks undertaken are focused directly at the host organisation’s core health, safety and wellbeing functions. They must also have made a significant contribution to the introduction and promotion of standards within the health, safety or wellbeing since 1 January 2023. Any person accomplishments prior to this date are not relevant and will not be eligible for entry.

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This category is designed to recognise a project, which has delivered significant improvement(s) to health, safety or wellbeing of people and/or premises.

The project must have been launched no earlier than 1 January 2023.

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This award recognises organisations that have endeavoured to collect data linked to risk control systems and health and safety management arrangements with an aim to analyse routine data and better understand the likelihood of future events. They will have shown exceptional understanding of leading indicators and be able to demonstrate how they plan to better understand incidents in order to protect their workforce.

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This category is designed to recognise the implementation of a campaign that has led to significant improvements to any of health and safety for persons or premises.

The implementation of this campaign must not have taken place any earlier than 1 January 2023 and any campaign launched prior to this date are not eligible for entry.

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This category is designed to recognise distributors of health and safety products that have gone above and beyond to ensure great customer service, fulfilment of customer needs and demonstrated great product/market knowledge.

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This category is designed to recognise health and safety teams that are making a significant difference in their workplace.

The submission should demonstrate how the activities and initiatives implemented by the team since 1 January 2023 have helped to improve the health, safety or wellbeing standards and performance within either their own or a client organisation. Any accomplishments achieved prior to this date will not be eligible for entry.

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This category is designed to recognise a health and safety organisation that can demonstrate it has taken steps to be an equal opportunity employer. It will be able to demonstrate how it has successfully integrated workers from minority backgrounds, LGBTIQA+ or workers with disabilities.

The entry must relate to steps taken no earlier that 1 January 2023.

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This prestigious award, sponsored by Bunzl Safety & Workwear, and chosen by our judging panel of key industry bodies and figure heads, will be awarded to an outstanding individual who has made a tremendous contribution to health and safety during their lifetime.

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This category is designed to recognise the implementation of a marketing campaign that has led to significant improvements to any of health and safety for persons or premises or use of products.

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This category is designed to recognise an individual who made a significant contribution to the implementation or enhancement of health, safety or wellbeing standards within either their own or a client organisation. They must also have made a significant contribution to the introduction and promotion of standards within the health, safety or wellbeing and not been in post prior to 1 January 2023.

Any person who has been in post prior to this date are not eligible for entry.

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This category is designed to recognise an organisation that has shown a strong focus on corporate sustainability. This can include demonstrating innovation in addressing ESG issues in the own organisation or within their supply chain.

The entry must relate to steps taken no earlier that 1 January 2023.

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This category has been launched in memory of Alan McArthur who dedicated more than 20 years to innovating and improving health and safety.

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The Safer Logistics Award is a celebration of safety excellence in the logistics and supply chain sectors.

The award recognises the most impressive achievements in a safety campaign or project throughout the industry over the past 12 months, honouring the key individuals and teams involved.

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This category is designed to recognise a female health and safety professional who made a significant contribution to the implementation or enhancement of health, safety or wellbeing standards within either their own or a client organisation or a woman working within the health and safety sector who has made a significant contribution to their organisation.

The individual must work within an organisation that is within the health and safety sector OR they must have made a significant contribution to the introduction and promotion of standards within the health, safety or wellbeing since 1 January 2023. Any person accomplishments prior to this date are not relevant and will not be eligible for entry.

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