Terms and Conditions

  1. Keep information simple
    Please keep your sentences short and easy to understand. Not all of the judges are technical experts so please donʼt assume they will know acronyms or technical lingo. Simply submit your text in language that is clear, precise and simplistically highlights the merits for its submission.
  2. You do not have to be a client of Western Business Media or Cleaning Matters to enter
  3. You can nominate yourself, a colleague, your company or a client company/employee/product
  4. You must adhere to the criteria for the category you enter 
  5. There is no limit to the number of entries you can submit
  6. The judges’ decisions are final and WBM is under no obligation to provide feedback on why entries did/didn’t make the shortlist
  7. Sponsors of the Awards can enter the awards but can’t enter the category they are sponsoring